Saturday 21 April 2012

New stamps on Birds


Birds of the Rock


Date of Issue : 16 April 2012

Gibraltar Post issued a new set of Definitive stamps featuring birds on 16 April 2012. Though the stamps are definitive but look very attractive !! It is a beautiful set for bird lovers !!


Definitive 2012 'Birds of the Rock'

Red-necked Nightjar (Caprimulgus ruficollis) Two species of Nightjar are found in Europe, both of which migrate past Gibraltar.The Red-necked Nightjar breeds only in the western Mediterranean and migrates to tropical Africa during the autumn, returning in the late spring. They are most frequently seen in Gibraltar during levanter conditions. This species feeds mainly on nocturnal flying insects and breeds primarily in open woodlands, favouring Stone Pine woods, which echo at night with its distinctive call.

Little Owl (Athene noctua) This owl, which is found from North Africa and Western Europe to China, is the most common nocturnal bird of prey in Gibraltar. 8-12 pairs breed in cliff habitat around the Rock, and less frequently in holes in old walls. They prey on insects, reptiles and small mammals, and can sometimes be seen during daylight hours. Clutches consist of 3-5 eggs. Little Owls are not migratory and birds are present all year round.

Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata) This is a migratory species that spends the winter in tropical Africa and returns to Europe to breed in the late spring. Although declining throughout part of its range, the Spotted Flycatcher is a common migrant in Gibraltar. The species began to breed in the Botanic Gardens in 2009 and has done so ever since. Clutch size normally consists of 4-6 eggs. Up to three young have been reared in Gibraltar. In spite of its name the Spotted Flycatcher is streaked rather than spotted.

Gutter Pairs




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Screenshot_3   : Timir R. Shah – Vadodara : email :

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